Paul Kale
1 min readDec 31, 2021


Legislative Stuff : funding reserve forces


Dear Senator Booker.

Pre-Hurricane Sandy one of the defense bills authorized Defense support of civil authorities and duel status commanders. (This is discussed in detail in a report to the US Army War college by Ryan Burke and Sue McNeil ( ) although there seems to be a mechanism to use reserve forces in disaster relief, there does not appear to be a funding stream to pay for the use of those service persons. I imagine know each serviceperson has a daily rate that they get paid weather they sit and twiddle their thumbs or if they do advanced calculations. The services should be reembursed for the expenses it incurs for duty over and above what the normal daily rate for that service member is.

There must be a legislative fix to fund reserve troops in domestic operations.


Paul S.Kale



Paul Kale

I am a modern day man of lamancha: No treacherous windmill is safe from my wrath.